Buy RealUnit shares

Take advantage now!

Capital increase
from 6.9. - 27.9.2023

In response to the great interest in the RealUnit demonstrated by investors, we decided to proceed with a capital increase, offering you the chance to subscribe directly to both categories of shares and acquire them under advantageous conditions.

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*equivalent in Switzerland

Instructions on purchasing shares on the stock market

Buying RealUnit shares


    Contact your own bank or a Swiss bank of your choice and open a securities account.
    Persons residing outside of Switzerland can do this conveniently online at Swissquote AG, for example.


    You can find the RealUnit Schweiz AG share by using the ISIN No. CH1129911108 or the Valoren number 112991110 or the ticker REALU. Give your bank a limit order at the price you would like to buy the desired number of RealUnit shares. The purchase can done via online banking or via a telephone order to your bank. After the execution of your order, the RealUnit shares will be automatically credited to your securities account. You are now a shareholder and co-owner of RealUnit Schweiz AG.


    Inform your bank that you would like to receive future invitations to the Annual General Meeting of RealUnit Schweiz AG. Unfortunately, invitations will no longer be sent automatically to holders of bearer shares. Additionally, subscribe to our newsletter and stay informed about relevant news, events and the performance of the RealUnit.

If you are planning to buy or sell shares worth more than CHF 100,000, please ask us about the possibility of a direct placement.

FAQ - Questions about buying RealUnit shares

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Questions about buying RealUnit shares

The bearer shares of RealUnit Schweiz AG are listed on the BX Swiss AG stock exchange and can be bought and traded there (ISIN: CH1129911108 / security no.: 112991110 / ticker: REALU).

Here you will find a guide to purchasing RealUnit shares.

You can hold your bearer shares in a custody account at a Swiss bank. Alternatively, it is possible to store registered shares in the form of share tokens independently in a wallet on the Ethereum Blockchain.

There are no restrictions for the purchase of RealUnit shares. Here you will find a guide to RealUnit share purchases.

There are no limits for minimum investments. Consult your financial advisor on the amount of the investment you plan to make.

There is no maximum investment limit. If you are planning to make an investment over CHF 100,000, please contact us for a direct placement.

If you hold 3% or more of the voting rights in the Company, either alone or in concert with third parties, you are required under Swiss law to notify us and the BX Swiss AG stock exchange of your share acquisition. This reporting obligation is based on Article 120 of the Financial Market Infrastructure Act. To notify us, please use our contact form.

RealUnit Schweiz AG issues both bearer shares and registered shares. The reason for this is to make bearer shares available as conventional securities on the traditional financial system and registered shares available as registered securities (share tokens) via the public Ethereum Blockchain.

“NAV” stands for “net asset value”. The net asset value is also called intrinsic value and it is the sum of assets minus liabilities.

The “NAV” reflects the actual value of the assets of our company. Although the share price is based on the “NAV”, it can be higher or lower than the “NAV” depending on the market situation on the stock exchange (supply and demand).

Investment restrictions due to legal and regulatory limitations in your country of residence or domicile

Some of the Company’s shares are listed on a stock exchange in Switzerland. The information available on this website is intended exclusively for persons who are resident or domiciled in a country whose legal system permits the acquisition and/or trading of the Company’s shares. Before acquiring shares of the Company, whether directly from the Company or from third parties, interested persons are required to ascertain whether and to what extent they are subject to restrictions on the acquisition, holding and sale of shares of the Company under the laws of their home country.

Prior to entering the investor section of this website (, you have been asked to expressly confirm that you are eligible to purchase the shares. If you do not meet these requirements, you must refrain from accessing the investor section of this website. By expressly agreeing to this when entering this website and/or by remaining on this website, you acknowledge that you are aware of any investment and trading restrictions imposed by your country of residence or domicile.

The Company reserves the right to reject interested persons as shareholders for legal and regulatory reasons.

Instructions on purchasing stock tokens via Brokerbot

Buying and registering RealUnit share tokens

Via the Brokerbot of the company Aktionariat AG you can acquire share tokens directly from RealUnit Schweiz AG or sell them. You will find important information on the company and the share token in the current prospectus and the associated prospectus supplements..

  • Read the registration agreement

    Before purchasing RealUnit share tokens via Brokerbot, carefully read the registration agreement. In it, you will find a detailed outline of your rights and obligations as a token holder. By acquiring, disposing of, holding and/or transferring share tokens of the company to a third party, you fully accept the terms and conditions of the Registration Agreement.

  • Set up a wallet ("digital depository" for your share tokens)

    There are several wallet providers which can store our token with the "ERC20" standard. We recommend the following two wallets:

1. The mobile app Aktionariat”

Click on one of the following buttons to download the “Aktionariat” app in the app store of your choice:

2. Desktop wallet “MetaMask”

Click the following button to install the Metamask extension in your browser. The instructions also describe how to link the Metamask wallet to the RealUnit token.

3. Hardware wallet

Blockchain experts recommend using hardware wallets such as those from “Ledger”( or “Bitbox”( for the secure storage of larger sums. The Ledger option can be directly linked to the RealUnit token via Metamask. Bitbox still needs the browser extension from Rabby.


Don’t feel comfortable handling the custody of the share tokens yourself? Hypothekarbank Lenzburg, a regulated Swiss bank, offers professional custody of our share tokens to private individuals domiciled in Switzerland. You can find the current terms and conditions here.
If you choose this solution, you do not need to register with us (step 3) and can select Hypothekbank Lenzburg under “Connect Wallet” when purchasing RealUnit share tokens (step 4) and then directly establish the banking relationship online and open a “Digital Asset Portfolio”. Click on the following logo to see the current conditions of Hypothekarbank Lenzburg:

Hypothekarbank Lenzburg

  • Register your wallet with the company

Legal notice:

RealUnit Schweiz AG is required under Swiss law to obtain and retain certain information about its shareholders. As a shareholder, you are required by law and by contract (registration agreement) to provide this information truthfully and completely and to notify the Company of any changes within 30 days.

By connecting to your wallet and registering your details with the company, you confirm:

  • that you are acquiring or disposing of the Company’s shares for your own account and that only you control the specified Wallet;
  • that the countries declared are your only tax domiciles and that you will notify the Company of any change within 30 days;
  • That you are not a “U.S. person” (click here for the definition of the term).

Further, by connecting to your Wallet and registering your information with the Company, you acknowledge and agree:

  • that the Company is required under Swiss law to obtain and retain certain information about its shareholders and, if necessary, to disclose such information to foreign tax authorities;
  • that according to Article 35 of the Federal Act on the International Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI Act), the intentional submission of false information in a self-disclosure, the failure to inform the company of a change in circumstances or the submission of false information in connection with a change in circumstances may be punishable by a fine.

The Company reserves the right not to enter shareholders who violate these provisions in the share register or to remove them. In such a case, you will not be granted any shareholder rights or will lose the shareholder rights you previously had. The Company further reserves the right not to enter purchasers in the share register or to remove them from the share register on the basis of their domicile.

Registration guide

Before you can use Brokerbot, you need to register your personal details and wallet with the company. To do this, please fill out the form above. If you represent a legal entity (public company, limited liability company, foundation, etc.), we will contact you by e-mail after filling out the form. Once the registration is complete, you will be entered as a shareholder in the Company’s share register after your purchase.

If you acquired our share token on the secondary market, you are also required under the registration agreement to register with the Company for the exercise of shareholder rights using the form below. As a result of the registration, you will be entered as a shareholder in the Company’s share register.

  • Fill out the form below and connect your wallet. If you are using the "Aktionariat" app, please keep it open on your cell phone so that you can confirm the registration. After that, press the "Register" button (the "Connect Wallet" button will turn into a "Register" button once the wallet is connected). After the successful connection you will receive a confirmation email.

  • Send us a copy of an official identification document (passport or ID) to

  • You will receive a confirmation e-mail after your identity has been verified, and you can then purchase our share tokens.

  • Buy or sell stock tokens

Note on transaction costs and government levies

The acquisition or sale of share tokens is typically associated with blockchain transaction costs (esp. gas fee on Ethereum), which are generally borne by the buyer or the seller.

The amount of the gas fee on Ethereum can fluctuate greatly depending on the usage of the blockchain (the current gas fee can be seen here). Before confirming the transaction, your Wallet should also show you an estimate of the gas fee you are likely to be charged. If the gas fee is too high, we recommend that you execute the transaction at a later date.

RealUnit Schweiz AG will not charge you any additional fees, but reserves the right to charge you in the future for the accruing blockchain transaction costs and, if such apply, government levies (esp. turnover tax pursuant to the Federal Stamp Duty Act) when you purchase share tokens by bank transfer.

Instructions purchase / sale
  • Choice between purchase or sale and the desired number of shares

    Now choose whether you want to buy or sell our stock token at the brokerbot in the tab at the top. Enter the desired number of shares.

  • Choice of payment method

    When purchasing, you have the option under "Payment method" to buy the desired number of shares directly with ETH (Ether), XCHF (Swiss Franc Stablecoin of Bitcoin Suisse AG) or via pay via a bank transfer. If you choose CHF via IBAN, the share tokens will be delivered to your wallet only after the payment has been received in our bank account. You will be informed by e-mail after the purchase.

    You can currently only sell your RealUnit share tokens against XCHF (Swiss Franc Stablecoin of Bitcoin Suisse AG). A payment to an IBAN account is currently still under development.

  • Connect wallet

    Connect by confirming the connection in your wallet.

  • Invest

    Buy the desired number of shares in the brokerbot.

  • Confirm transaction

    You will receive an email asking you to confirm the transaction in your wallet.

  • Share token credited

    Your share tokens will show up in your wallet after a few minutes (The waiting time depends on the entry of the transaction on the Ethereum Blockchain). Congratulations, we warmly welcome you as a new shareholder!

  • Questions / Instruction video

    We have compiled the most frequently asked questions regarding the purchase of the RealUnit Token in the FAQ below. The explanatory video guides you step by step through the purchase process. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Please write to or contact us by phone during office hours at +41 41 761 00 90.

FAQ - Questions about the purchase of the RealUnit Token

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Questions about the RealUnit token

The term “token” refers to a unit on the blockchain. Our share tokens represent RealUnit shares registered on the Ethereum Blockchain. As a holder of RealUnit share tokens, you have the same rights as a holder of traditional shares.

  • Accessible at any time, independently of banks
  • No costs for custody when stored in your own wallet
  • Tradable 24/7
  • Transferable from wallet to wallet
  • Simple online registration for entry in the share register
  • High security thanks to the Ethereum blockchain and the recovery function
    in case of loss of the private key

For more information on share token security, please read the RealUnit Registration Agreement, available at:

No, because the issuer of the tokens, RealUnit Schweiz AG, is a central issuer. The term “cryptocurrency” refers to digital assets that are held in a decentralized database, usually a blockchain, and have no central issuer.

No, not in principle. The price of the share token is based on the intrinsic value (the Net Asset Value or NAV) of RealUnit Schweiz AG. We currently hold a position of <1% in ETH, which has a minimal impact on the NAV.

According to experts, the Ethereum blockchain is a very secure decentralized network. When you create your own wallet, you will receive a private key. This is comparable to the password for your online banking. However, if someone steals your private key, they will have access to your wallet. Likewise, if you lose your private key, you will no longer be able to access your wallet. Blockchain experts recommend using hardware wallets such as those from “Ledger”( or “Bitbox”( for the secure storage of larger sums.

The acquisition or sale of share tokens is typically associated with blockchain transaction costs (esp. gas fee on Ethereum), which are generally borne by the acquirer or the seller.

The amount of the gas fee on Ethereum can fluctuate greatly depending on how busy the blockchain is at the time (the current gas fee can be seen here ). Before confirming the transaction, your Wallet should also show you an estimate of the gas fee you are likely to be charged. If the gas fee is too high, we recommend that you execute the transaction at a later date.

No, direct conversion is not possible. However, you can sell your shares on the stock exchange and buy share tokens for the equivalent value in CHF via our automated trading platform at

The counterparty is RealUnit Schweiz AG. If you wish to trade share tokens worth more than

CHF 100’000.-, please contact us in advance via or by telephone. +41 41 761 00 90.

RealUnit tokens can be stored in an Ethereum-enabled wallet. See the following link ( for instructions on how to set up a wallet.

Yes, the tokenized RealUnit shares must be declared as assets in the tax return. Any capital gains are generally tax-free for private individuals in Switzerland. More detailed information on taxation can be found here, in FTA Circular No. 36.

Play Video about RealUnit Aktientoken kaufen Anleitung

Share token price overview

Historical price development
of the share token

The price development may deviate from the stock exchange price of the listed bearer shares of the Company.

Last trades via the brokerbot

Overview of the last five trades via the brokerbot


Do you have any questions?

We are at your disposal.
You can reach us by telephone or email:

Or arrange your appointment directly here using the booking form. We look forward to answering your questions. If you do not see the appointment booking form, please accept the marketing cookie. (Click on the icon at the bottom left). We are also available by telephone on 0041 41 761 00 90.

Important Legal Information for Investors & Confirmation of Residence Important Legal Information for Investors & Confirmation of Residence

The electronic documents that you are seeking to access (“Documents”) are provided by RealUnit Schweiz AG in good faith and for information purposes only.

The Documents are not directed at or accessible by persons located in the United States of America, Japan, Canada, New Zealand or Australia or any other jurisdiction where the provision of the documents would constitute a violation of applicable law or would require registration or licensing in such jurisdictions (“Restricted Jurisdictions”). It is not intended that such persons have access to the documents. Any person seeking to access this website represents and warrants that they are neither resident nor physically present in the Restricted Jurisdictions.

Any person seeking to access this website represents and warrants to RealUnit Schweiz AG that they are doing so for informational purposes only. The provision of press releases and other Documents does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy the securities referred to in the Documents (the “Securities“). Furthermore, they do not constitute a recommendation or investment advice by RealUnit Schweiz AG or any other party to buy or sell the Securities.

In particular, the Documents do not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy the Securities by RealUnit Schweiz AG in any Restricted Jurisdiction or any other jurisdiction in which offers or sales would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such jurisdiction. In particular, the Securities have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1993 (as amended from time to time).

The Documents are only directed at permanent residents of Switzerland. The Documents may not be used in or distributed into any jurisdiction other than Switzerland.

You should leave this webpage if you are not allowed to access the Documents or if you are unsure about your permission to do so.

By consenting to these Legal Information and clicking on the “YES” button below, I confirm that I am a permanent resident of Switzerland, that I am currently physically present in Switzerland, and that I am neither a resident nor physically present in the Restricted Jurisdictions.