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RealUnit Schweiz AG is a public incorporated company

RealUnit Schweiz AG was founded by Karl Reichmuth and Vahan P. Roth in June 2017. Our key investment objectives are capital preservation and the long-term preservation of the real purchasing power of our shareholders. Swiss investments and the direct ownership of tangible assets form the focal point of investment activity. Our investment company structure and our asset allocation strategy, which has been optimized over the past decades, make it possible to react flexibly in the event of a crisis and thus ensure the best possible preservation of the value of the entrusted assets .

We refer to our share as a “RealUnit”. This can be held as traditional share in a custody account or as share token selected on the Ethereum blockchain. RealUnit shares are accessible to savers, small investors and companies.

Daniel Stüssi (CEO) and Fidelis Götz (VRP) on the occasion of the listing on the BX Swiss in November 2021

Daniel Stüssi Vortrag AA Event

Expanding the RealUnit brand

In addition to its investment activities, the company is working to establish and expand the “REAL-UNIT” brand. To this end, it has entered into a brand promotion agreement with the trademark owner, IF Realinvest AG.

First and foremost, the company promotes the brand through its own company name. The public awareness was also increased by the stock exchange listing in Switzerland, which has made the “REAL-UNIT” brand much more visible, particularly in Switzerland. RealUnit Schweiz AG is also working to promote the “REAL-UNIT” brand through various expert articles on its blog and newsletters. It has also held lectures and training courses. Daniel Stüssi, CEO of RealUnit Schweiz AG, has also contributed a chapter to the books “Neue Währungen in Sicht” and “Vermögenserhalt über Generationen”, in which he explains the idea of the RealUnit and its concept. Further brand promotion measures include ad placements in various print and online media, including the well-known Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) and the magazine “Die Weltwoche”, in which the company has also placed sponsored reports (advertorials) under the title “Stabilität statt Spekulation” (“Stability instead of speculation”).

With the public offering in Liechtenstein and Germany from July 2024 onwards, the company wants to expand its promotion services to these countries as well and plans to actively promote the brand through various marketing avenues. In addition, it regularly publishes webinars and the podcast “Klartext Finanzen” on the topics of financial markets, monetary policy, maintaining purchasing power and inflation protection.

Our values


We fully comply with Swiss law, we are professionally dependable and we value the privacy of our investors.


We put our investors and their needs at the center of our considerations and actions.


We use new technologies such as DLT and continuously optimize our products and processes.


We respond quickly to market opportunities that arise. We act effectively and flexibly.


We strive to use as few resources as possible ourselves and to invest in companies that operate sustainable business models.


We take responsibility for our actions and value our independence from the banking system and the state.

Company profile
RealUnit Schweiz AG
Schochenmühlestrasse 6
Commercial register
Legal basis
The company is subject to Swiss law
Business year
Real value retention
Investment universe
Physical precious metals and mostly Swiss property titles
Target return
> Swiss gross domestic product
Legal form
Public incorporated company
Board of Directors
Fidelis Goetz (President)
Dr. David Bodmer (Member)
Anna Muheim (Member)
Christian Zulliger (Member)
Managing Director
Daniel Stüssi
Accounting and valuation
Business Trust Auctor Schwyz AG
Balmer-Etienne AG
Share category
Bearer shares (listed), registered shares (tokenized)
Reference currency

Corporate Governance

Investment strategy with clear responsibilities

  • Investment Committee

    The Investment Committee is composed of Fidelis Götz (Chairman), Daniel Stüssi (CEO) and Vahan Roth (CIO). It meets at least once per quarter and determines the asset allocation. The committee receives advice and recommendations by a variety of external subject matter experts, whose brief resumes can be viewed at https://realunit.ch/team. The Investment Committee reports to the Board of Directors, while its decisions are implemented by the CIO.

  • Chief Investment Officer (CIO)

    The CIO is charged with executing the decisions of the Investment Committee and is bound by the investment guidelines and restrictions. He is supported by financial analysts and is responsible for the portfolio management and asset selection process to implement the established asset allocation objectives. The CIO outlines and documents the rationale and investment case behind each decision and reports to the Investment Committee on a quarterly basis.

Information for investors

At a glance

All information about the investment opportunities of RealUnit Schweiz AG.


Important documents for investors such as semi-annual reports, company profile and more.


How to find us

Bürogebäude Schochenmühlestrasse 6 in Baar

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More Information

Our office is located on the 1st floor at Schochenmühlestrasse 6 in 6340 Baar.
We are looking forward to your visit. Please make an appointment in advance.